About PMG
The Program for Mathematical Genomics (PMG) is a cross campus interdisciplinary effort that brings together evolutionary biologists, computer scientists, physicists and mathematicians, to uncover the structure of genomic data and to study the maps that link genotype to phenotype. It constitutes a space for the free exchange of ideas and methods of quantitative minded scientists with a goal to provide a quantitative understanding of biological systems.
PMG is an interdisciplianary effort to develop quantitative approaches to understand biological systems. As biology and medicine are becoming extremely data rich disciplines, there is an urgent need for algorithms to analyze data and mathematical models to interpret the results. Genomics, the study of the genomes of organisms, is becoming a paradigm of the quantification of biological sciences due to the quality and large amount of data, underscoring the urging need for data analytic techniques and mathematical models for interpretation. Recent developments have led to the identifcation of the genetic causes across many different diseases.
PMG Faculty
Our faculty constitutes an interdisciplinary community of investigators who share a common interest in uncovering the structure of genomic data and to study the maps that link genotype to phenotype using methods of quantitative understanding of biological systems. Researchers have primary appointments in departments located on Columbia's Morningside Heights and Medical Center campuses, facilitating university-wide knowledge exchange and the integration of advanced computational perspectives into a wide range of biological research.
In addition to the main scientific activities, the Program encompasses interdisciplinary activities, including joint discussion groups, the organization of interdisciplinary cross campus courses, and scientific meetings.