Zicheng Wang


Postdoctoral Research Scientist

As a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University, Zicheng applies his bioinformatics expertise and large language models (LLM) skills to study computational immunology and single-cell sequencing. He has co-authored multiple publications in high-impact journals and developed novel algorithms and tools for analyzing and visualizing complex biological data.

Education History

Tsinghua University Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Biomathematics Sep 2012 - Jan 2019


Fu, J., Wang, Z., Martinez, M., Obradovic, A., Jiao, W., Frangaj, K., Jones, R., Guo, X.V., Zhang, Y., Kuo, W.I. and Ko, H.M., 2023. Plasticity of intragraft alloreactive T cell clones in human gut correlates with transplant outcomes. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 221(1), p.e20230930.

Wang, Z. and Shen, Y., 2023. SABRE: Self-Attention Based model for predicting T-cell Receptor Epitope Specificity. bioRxiv, pp.2023-10.

Connors, T.J., Matsumoto, R., Verma, S., Szabo, P.A., Guyer, R., Gray, J., Wang, Z., Thapa, P., Dogra, P., Poon, M.M. and Rybkina, K., 2023. Site-specific development and progressive maturation of human tissue-resident memory T cells over infancy and childhood. Immunity, 56(8), pp.1894-1909.

Poon, M.M., Caron, D.P., Wang, Z., Wells, S.B., Chen, D., Meng, W., Szabo, P.A., Lam, N., Kubota, M., Matsumoto, R. and Rahman, A., 2023. Tissue adaptation and clonal segregation of human memory T cells in barrier sites. Nature Immunology, 24(2), pp.309-319.

Fu, J., Zuber, J., Shonts, B., Obradovic, A., Wang, Z., Frangaj, K., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Waffarn, E.E., Liou, P. and Lau, S.P., 2021. Lymphohematopoietic graft-versus-host responses promote mixed chimerism in patients receiving intestinal transplantation. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 131(8).

Wang Z, Lou H, Wang Y, et al. GePMI: A statistical model for personal intestinal microbiome identification. Npj Biofilms & Microbiomes. 2018, 4(1): 20.