
Quantifying Tumor Heterogeneity using Bulk, Single-cell, and Spatial Sequencing

Ben Raphael, PhD
Princeton University

Ben Raphael, PhD

Ben Raphael, PhD, professor in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University will deliver the talk titled "Quantifying Tumor Heterogeneity using Bulk, Single-cell, and Spatial Sequencing".

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Meeting ID: 967 9363 3223

Passcode: 328834


Tumors are heterogeneous mixtures of normal and cancerous cells with distinct genetic and transcriptional profiles.  In this talk, I will present several computational approaches to quantify tumor heterogeneity and reconstruct tumor evolution using data from bulk, single-cell, and spatial sequencing technologies.  For bulk and targeted single-cell DNA sequencing, I will describe methods that reconstruct tumor evolution using both somatic single-nucleotide mutations and copy number aberrations, properly accounting for overlap and interactions between these two common classes of mutations.  For low-coverage whole-genome single-cell sequencing, I will describe an algorithm CHISEL to compute allele-specific copy numbers and an application of this algorithm to reconstruct tumor evolution for thousands of single cells from a breast tumor.  For spatial transcriptomics, I will describe a new algorithm PASTE to align and integrate spatial transcriptomics data from multiple adjacent tissue sections using both transcriptional and spatial similarity.   I will illustrate the advantages of multi-section alignment and integration for quantifying heterogeneity in squamous cell carcinomas and inferring cell types in human tissues.   

Event Series Name
DSB Distinguished Seminar Series
Yufeng Shen, PhD

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04-21-2021 15:00:00
04-21-2021 16:00:00
Ben Raphael, PhD (Princeton University)
Ben Raphael, PhD, professor in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University will deliver the talk titled "Quantifying Tumor Heterogeneity using Bulk, Single-cell, and Spatial Sequencing".

Join the Zoom:

Meeting ID: 967 9363 3223

Passcode: 328834