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Read profiles of our PhD students to learn about their experience and research. 

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The Columbia University Department of Systems Biology invites applications from students interested in pursuing careers at the frontiers of modern biology. You will learn to apply powerful, multidisciplinary approaches and address critical biological questions from the perspective of complex genomic and molecular systems.

PhD education at Columbia stresses the importance of high-throughput experimentation, quantitative analysis of large biological data sets, and innovative technology development. Whether your primary interest is in experimental or computational research in systems biology, the experience you gain will prepare you to participate in cutting-edge science that integrates the two.

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This year’s application deadline is December 1, 2024.


Itsik Pe'er, PhD named 2025 ISCB Fellow

The International Society for Computational Biology has elected Professor Itsik Pe'er to its 2025 ISCB Class of Fellows. The award recognizes excellence in computational biology, honoring individuals who have made outstanding contributions through leadership, research and service.

Tal Korem, PhD receives grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Tal Korem, PhD will recieve $3,425,813 over five years from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development for "A large scale investigation of the vaginal ecosystem in preeclampsia."

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