Felix Sanchez-Garcia

Sanchez-Garcia F, Villagrasa P, Matsui J, Kotliar D, Castro V, Akavia UD, Chen BJ, Saucedo-Cuevas L, Rodriguez Barrueco R, Llobet-Navas D, Silva JM, Pe'er D. Integration of genomic data enables selective discovery of brast cancer drivers. Cell. 2014 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Llobet-Navas D, Rodríguez-Barrueco R, Castro V, Ugalde AP, Sumazin P, Jacob-Sendler D, Demircan B, Castillo-Martín M, Putcha P, Marshall N, Villagrasa P, Chan J, Sanchez-Garcia F, Pe'er D, Rabadán R, Iavarone A, Cordón-Cardó C, Califano A, López-Otín C, Ezhkova E, Silva JM. The miR-424(322)/503 cluster orchestrates remodeling of the epithelium in the involuting mammary gland. Genes Dev. 2014 Apr 1;28(7):765-82.
Akavia UD, Litvin O, Kim J, Sanchez-Garcia F, Kotliar D, Causton HC, Pochanard P, Mozes E, Garraway LA, Pe'er D. An integrated approach to uncover drivers of cancer. Cell. 2010 Dec 10;143(6):1005-17.
Sanchez-Garcia F, Akavia UD, Mozes E, Pe'er D. JISTIC: identification of significant targets in cancer. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010 Apr 14;11:189.