Ambrose Carr

Originally from British Columbia, Canada, I completed my undergraduate degree in molecular biology with a certificate in neuroscience at Princeton University. After graduation I worked at the Rockefeller University, where I carried out research modeling food as an addictive substance and examining the neurobiological pathways that reinforce maladaptive behaviors such as binge eating that lead to obesity.
I am now a graduate student at Columbia University, where I am a member of Dana Pe'er's laboratory of computational systems biology. My research in the Pe'er lab focuses on extracting information from high-dimensional single-cell data and using the resulting data to build models that allow us to identify rare cell populations such as drug resistant tumor cells.
Carr A, Pe'er D. Broadening horizons: holistic viewpoints from the Biology of Genomes. Genome Biol. 2014 Jul 25;15(7):416.