Carlos Eduardo G. Amorim

Eduardo holds a BSc in biological sciences and a MSc in animal biology from the University of Brasília (Brazil). He completed his PhD in genetics with Prof. Francisco Salzano at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in 2013 working on the influence of demographic, cultural, and adaptive processes on the genetic diversity of Amerindians during the settlement of the New World. His postdoc project is focused on understanding the role of balancing selection in shaping the genetic diversity of modern humans and other primates.
PhD, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
MSc, University of Brasilia (Brazil)
Animal Biology
BSc, University of Brasilia (Brazil)
Biological Sciences
Moorjani P*, Amorim CE*, Arndt P, Przeworski M. Variation in the molecular clock in primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Sep 20;113(38):10607-12.
Amorim CE, Hofer T, Ray N, Foll M, Ruiz-Linares A, Excoffier L. Long-distance dispersal suppresses introgression of local alleles during range expansions. Heredity (Edinb). 2016 Aug 31.
Gontijo CC, Guerra Amorim CE, Godinho NM, Toledo RC, Nunes A, Silva W, Da Fonseca Moura MM, De Oliveira JC, Pagotto RC, Klautau-Guimarães Mde N, De Oliveira SF. Brazilian quilombos: A repository of Amerindian alleles. Am J Hum Biol. 2014 Mar-Apr;26(2):142-50.
Amorim CE, Bisso-Machado R, Ramallo V, Bortolini MC, Bonatto SL, Salzano FM, Hünemeier T. A bayesian approach to genome/linguistic relationships in native South Americans. PLoS One. 2013 May 16;8(5):e64099.
Hünemeier T, Amorim CE, Azevedo S, Contini V, Acuña-Alonzo V, Rothhammer F, Dugoujon JM, Mazières S, Barrantes R, Villarreal-Molina MT, Paixão-Côrtes VR, Salzano FM, Canizales-Quinteros S, Ruiz-Linares A, Bortolini MC. Evolutionary responses to a constructed niche: ancient Mesoamericans as a model of gene-culture coevolution. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38862.
Amorim CE, Gontijo CC, Falcão-Alencar G, Godinho NM, Toledo RC, Pedrosa MA, Luizon MR, Simões AL, Klautau-Guimãres MN, Oliveira SF. Migration in Afro-Brazilian rural communities: crossing demographic and genetic data. Hum Biol. 2011 Aug;83(4):509-21.
Amorim CE, Wang S, Marrero AR, Salzano FM, Ruiz-Linares A, Bortolini MC. X-chromosomal genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium patterns in Amerindians and non-Amerindian populations. Am J Hum Biol. 2011 May-Jun;23(3):299-304.