Guojie Zhong

Guojie Zhong is a PhD student in Dr. Yufeng Shen’s lab. His research interests involve different topics regarding to human genetics of developmental disorders, including: 1. Developing statistical learning methods that leverage large-scale exome sequencing and single cell sequencing data to understand human disease genetics. 2. Developing machine learning tools to predict variant functional effects using representations of protein sequence, structure, and functions. 3. Cross-disease genetics of several developmental disorders including autism, congenital heart disease, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, etc.
Prior to Columbia, Guojie completed his undergraduate studies at Peking University, where he worked in Dr. Zemin Zhang’s Lab, developing computational methods to infer cellular spatial organization and cellular interaction from single cell genomics data.
Zhong, G., and Shen, Y. (2022). Statistical models of the genetic etiology of congenital heart disease. Curr Opin Genet Dev 76, 101967.
Zhong, G., Ahimaz, P., Edwards, N.A., Hagen, J.J., Faure, C., Lu, Q., Kingma, P., Middlesworth, W., Khlevner, J., El Fiky, M., et al. (2022). Identification and validation of candidate risk genes in endocytic vesicular trafficking associated with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistulas. HGG Adv 3, 100107.
Edwards, N., Zhong, G., Ahimaz, P., Kenny, A., Kingma, P., Wells, J., Shen, Y., Chung, W., and Zorn, A. (2022). Discovering the Developmental Basis of Trachea-Esophageal Birth Defects: Evidence for Endosome-opathies. The FASEB Journal 36.
Wang, Y., Tiruthani, K., Li, S., Hu, M., Zhong, G., Tang, Y., Roy, S., Zhang, L., Tan, J., Liao, C., et al. (2021). mRNA Delivery of a Bispecific Single-Domain Antibody to Polarize Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Synergize Immunotherapy against Liver Malignancies. Adv Mater 33, e2007603.
Ren, X.#, Zhong, G.#, Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., Sun, Y., and Zhang, Z. (2020). Reconstruction of cell spatial organization from single-cell RNA sequencing data based on ligand-receptor mediated self-assembly. Cell Res 30, 763-778. (#, Contributed Equally)
Zhang, Q., He, Y., Luo, N., Patel, S.J., Han, Y., Gao, R., Modak, M., Carotta, S., Haslinger, C., Kind, D., Peet G.W., Zhong, G., Lu, S., Zhu, W., Mao, Y., Xiao, M., et al.. (2019). Landscape and Dynamics of Single Immune Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cell 179, 829-845 e820.