Jacob Levine

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Sloan Kettering Institute
Education History
PhD, Columbia University
MA, MPhil, Columbia University
Biological Sciences
MSc, London School of Economics
Philosophy and History of Science
BA, University of California, Berkeley
Molecular and Cell Biology
Levine JH, Simonds EF, Bendall SC, Davis KL, Amir ED, Tadmor MD, Litvin O, Fienberg HG, Jager A, Zunder ER, Finck R, Gedman AL, Radtke I, Downing JR, Pe'er D, Nolan GP. Data-driven phenotypic dissection of AML reveals progenitor-like cells that correlate with prognosis. Cell. 2015 Jun 17. pii: S0092-8674(15)00637-6.
Amir el-AD, Davis KL, Tadmor MD, Simonds EF, Levine JH, Bendall SC, Shenfeld DK, Krishnaswamy S, Nolan GP, Pe'er D. viSNE enables visualization of high dimensional single-cell data and reveals phenotypic heterogeneity of leukemia. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Jun;31(6):545-52.
Ihrie RA, Shah JK, Harwell CC, Levine JH, Guinto CD, Lezameta M, Kriegstein AR, Alvarez-Buylla A. Persistent sonic hedgehog signaling in adult brain determines neural stem cell positional identity. Neuron. 2011 Jul 28;71(2):250-62.
Greives TJ, Mason AO, Scotti MA, Levine J, Ketterson ED, Kriegsfeld LJ, Demas GE. Environmental control of kisspeptin: implications for seasonal reproduction. Endocrinology. 2007 Mar;148(3):1158-66.
Mason AO, Greives TJ, Scotti MA, Levine J, Frommeyer S, Ketterson ED, Demas GE, Kriegsfeld LJ. Suppression of kisspeptin expression and gonadotropic axis sensitivity following exposure to inhibitory day lengths in female Siberian hamsters. Horm Behav. 2007 Nov;52(4):492-8.