Jeremy Chang

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of California, San Francisco
I am a postdoctoral fellow in Nick Tatonetti's lab in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. My current focus is on polypharmacology and chemical systems biology.
Previously, I completed a PhD with James Ferrell at the Stanford University Department of Chemical and Systems Biology. My research there concentrated on the spatial propagation of biological activity. Through computational and experimental studies, we demonstrated that the activity of the protein kinase Cdk1 propagates through cytoplasm in a wave-like fashion, and that this propagation hinges on the bistability of the network that controls Cdk1 activity.
Before my PhD, I studied chemistry and physics at Harvard. I pursued microfluidics research with George Whitesides, and studied two-component signaling cascades with Michael Laub.
Chang JB, Ferrell JE Jr. Mitotic trigger waves and the spatial coordination of the Xenopus cell cycle. Nature. 2013 Aug 29;500(7464):603-7.