Ori Rokach

Ori Rokach is a postdoctoral research scientist in the laboratory of Sagi Shapira. His research focuses on nucleic acid-sensing pathway in lung epithelial cells.
Prior to this, he completed his PhD in Basel University hospital in Switzerland. Where he studied, the molecular dysregulation of excitation contraction coupling in patients with congenital muscle disorders, under the supervision of Susan Treves and Francesco Zorzato.
Zhou, H., O. Rokach, L. Feng, I. Munteanu, K. Mamchaoui, J. M. Wilmshurst, C. Sewry, A. Y. Manzur, K. Pillay, V. Mouly, M. Duchen, H. Jungbluth, S. Treves and F. Muntoni (2013). "RyR1 deficiency in congenital myopathies disrupts excitation-contraction coupling." Hum Mutat 34(7): 986-996.
Attali, R., S. Aharoni, S. Treves, O. Rokach, M. Becker Cohen, Y. Fellig, R. Straussberg, T. Dor, M. Daana, S. Mitrani-Rosenbaum and Y. Nevo (2013). "Variable myopathic presentation in a single family with novel skeletal RYR1 mutation." PLoS One 8(7): e69296.
Rokach, O., N. D. Ullrich, M. Rausch, V. Mouly, H. Zhou, F. Muntoni, F. Zorzato and S. Treves (2013). "Establishment of a human skeletal muscle-derived cell line: biochemical, cellular and electrophysiological characterization." Biochem J 455(2): 169-177.
Rokach, O., M. Sekulic-Jablanovic, N. Voermans, J. Wilmshurst, K. Pillay, L. Heytens, H. Zhou, F. Muntoni, M. Gautel, Y. Nevo, S. Mitrani-Rosenbaum, R. Attali, A. Finotti, R. Gambari, B. Mosca, H. Jungbluth, F. Zorzato and S. Treves (2015). "Epigenetic changes as a common trigger of muscle weakness in congenital myopathies." Hum Mol Genet 24(16): 4636-4647