Robert Moskovitch

Senior Lecturer, Ben Gurion University
Robert Moskovitch holds a BSc, MSc, and a PhD in information systems engineering from Ben Gurion University, Israel. His PhD focused on the development of novel multivariate temporal data analytics methods using temporal abstraction and time intervals mining, such as the KarmaLego algorithm. Currently he is a postdoctoral research scientist in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University, in which he applies KarmaLego on Columbia University Medical Center data for purposes such as the prediction of clinical procedures or diagnoses in patient data.
Previously, he headed several research and development projects in information security at Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories at BGU. He has served on several journal editorial boards, as well as on program committees of several conferences and worksops in biomedical informatics and in information security. He has published more than fifty peer reviewed papers in leading journals and conferences, several of which won best-paper awards.
PhD, Ben Gurion University
Information Systems Engineering
MSc, Ben Gurion University
BSc, Ben Gurion University
Complete list of publications | Google Scholar
Boland MR, Jacunski A, Lorberbaum T, Romano JD, Moskovitch R, Tatonetti NP. Systems biology approaches for identifying and understanding adverse drug events. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med. 2015 Nov 12.
Moskovitch R, Shahar Y. Classification driven temporal discretization of multivariate time series. Data Min Knowl Disc. 2014 Oct 2. DOI s10618-014-0380-z.
Moskovitch R, Shahar Y. Classification of multivariate time series via temporal abstraction and time intervals mining. Knowl Inf Syst. 2014 Oct 1. DOI s10115-014-0784-5.
Moskovitch R, Shahar Y. Fast time intervals mining using the transitivity of temporal relations. Knowl Inf Syst. 2013 Dec 27. DOI 10.1007/s10115-013-0707-x.
Feher C, Elovici Y, Moskovitch R, Rokach L, Schclar A. User identity verification via mouse dynamics. Inform Sci. 2012;201:19-36.
Moskovitch R, Shahar Y. Vaidurya: a multiple-ontology, concept-based, context-sensitive clinical-guideline search engine. J Biomed Inform. 2009 Feb;42(1):11-21.
Moskovitch R, Rokach L, Elovici Y. Detection of unknown computer worms based on behavioral classification of the host. Comput Stat Dat An. 2008;52(9):4544-66.
Moskovitch R, Martins SB, Behiri E, Weiss A, Shahar Y. A comparative evaluation of a full-text, concept based, and context sensitive search engine. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2007 Mar-Apr;14(2):164–174.
Moskovitch R, Cohen-Kashi S, Dror, U, Levy I, Maimon A, and Shahar Y. Multiple hierarchical classification of free-text clinical guidelines. Artif Intell Med. 2006;37(3):177-190.
Shahar Y, Young O, Shalom E, Galperin M, Mayaffit M, Moskovitch R, Hessing A. A framework for a distributed, hybrid, multiple-ontology clinical-guideline library and automated guideline-support tools. J Biomed Inform. 2004 Oct;37(5):325-44.