Tomasz Owczarek

Kobayashi T, Owczarek TB, McKiernan JM, Abate-Shen C. Modelling bladder cancer in mice: opportunities and challenges. Nat Rev Cancer. 2014 Dec 23;15(1):42-54.
Owczarek TB, Suchanski J, Pula B, Kmiecik AM, Chadalski M, Jethon A, Dziegiel P, Ugorski M. Galactosylceramide affects tumorigenic and metastatic properties of breast cancer cells as an anti-apoptotic molecule. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e84191.
Jablonska K, Pula B, Zemla A, Owczarek T, Wojnar A, Rys J, Ambicka A, Podhorska-Okolow M, Ugorski M, Dziegiel P. Expression of melatonin receptor MT1 in cells of human invasive ductal breast carcinoma. J Pineal Res. 2013 Apr;54(3):334-45.
Solatycka A, Owczarek T, Piller F, Piller V, Pula B, Wojciech L, Podhorska-Okolow M, Dziegiel P, Ugorski M. MUC1 in human and murine mammary carcinoma cells decreases the expression of core 2 β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase and β-galactoside α2,3-sialyltransferase. Glycobiology. 2012 Aug;22(8):1042-54.
Pula B, Jethon A, Piotrowska A, Gomulkiewicz A, Owczarek T, Calik J, Wojnar A, Witkiewicz W, Rys J, Ugorski M, Dziegiel P, Podhorska-Okolow M. Podoplanin expression by cancer-associated fibroblasts predicts poor outcome in invasive ductal breast carcinoma. Histopathology. 2011 Dec;59(6):1249-60.
Dzięgiel P, Owczarek T, Plazuk E, Gomułkiewicz A, Majchrzak M, Podhorska-Okołów M, Driouch K, Lidereau R, Ugorski M. Ceramide galactosyltransferase (UGT8) is a molecular marker of breast cancer malignancy and lung metastases. Br J Cancer. 2010 Aug 10;103(4):524-31.