Xiaoyun Sun

Data Scientist, Next-Generation Sequencing, Columbia Genome Center
Xiaoyun Sun is a data scientist at the Columbia Genome Center. She has focused on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data since joining in 2011. She developed the Genome Center's RNA-seq analysis pipeline, and currently maintains our RNA-seq, exome-seq and whole genome sequencing analysis pipelines. Her research interests also include fusion gene detection using RNA-seq and whole genome sequencing data. Previously, as a graduate student in the Brandeis University Computer Science Department, she completed her PhD thesis on biological network reconstruction.
PhD, Brandeis University
Computer Science
BA, State University of New York at Geneseo
Computer Science
Kwon Y, Vinayagam A, Sun X , Dephoure N, Gygi S, Hong P, Perrimon N. The Hippo signaling pathway interactome. Science. 2013 Nov 8;342(6159):737-40.
LeDuc C, Crouch E, Wilson A, Lefkowitch J, Wamelink M, Jakobs C, Salomons G, Sun X , Shen Y, Chung W. Novel association of early onset hepatocellular carcinoma with transaldolase deficiency. JIMD Rep. 2014;12:121-7.
Sun X , Hong P, Kulkarni M, Kwon Y, Perrimon N. PPIRank - an advanced method for ranking protein-protein interations in TAP/MS data. Proteome Sci. 2013 Nov 7;11(Suppl 1):S16.
DeStefano GM, Fantauzzo KA, Petukhova L, Kurban M, Tadin-Strapps M, Levy B, Warburton D, Cirulli ET, Han Y, Sun X , Shen Y, Shirazi M, Jobanputra V, Cepeda-Valdes R, Cesar Salas-Alanis J, Christiano AM. Position effect on FGF13 associated with ;X-linked congenital generalized hypertrichosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 7;110(19):7790-5.
Friedman AA, Tucker G, Singh R, Yan D, Vinayagam A, Hu Y, Binari R, Hong P, Sun X , Porto M, Pacifico S, Murali T, Finley Jr. RL, Asara JM, Berger B, Perrimon N. P Proteomic and functional genomic landscape of receptor tyrosine kinase and ras to extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. Sci Signal. 2011 Oct 25;4(196):rs10.
Sun X , Hong P. Automatic inference of multicellular regulatory networks using informative priors. Int J Comput Biol Drug Des. 2009;2(2):115-33.
Sun X, Hong P. Computational modeling of Caenorhabditis elegans vulval induction. Bioinformatics. 2007 Jul 1;23(13):i499-507.