Huijuan Feng

Huijuan Feng is an associate research scientist in the Zhang laboratory. She received her PhD in bioinformatics from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University. Her current research interests are understanding the mechanism and function of alternative splicing in neuronal subtype specification.
PhD, Tsinghua University
BS, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Feng H, Li T, Zhang X. Characterization of kinase gene expression and splicing profile in prostate cancer with RNA-Seq data. bioRxiv 2016.
Feng H, Zhang X, Zhang C. mRIN for direct assessment of genome-wide and gene-specific mRNA integrity from large-scale RNA-sequencing data. Nat Commun. 2015 Aug 3;6:7816.
Feng H, Qin Z, Zhang X. Opportunities and methods for studying alternative splicing in cancer with RNA-Seq. Cancer Lett. 2013 Nov 1;340(2):179-91.