Juan Ángel Patiño-Galindo

Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Juan Angel Patino-Galindo is a postdoctoral research scientist, working on virus evolution in the Department of Systems Biology. His PhD focused on studying different aspects of the mid- and long-term evolution of RNA viruses, with special interest in molecular epidemiology of HIV and HCV. His current research involves the application of topological and phylogenetic methods to the analysis of viral evolution.
PhD University of Valencia Biotechnology
MSc, University of Valencia Molecular and Cellular Biology and Genetics
BSc, University of Valencia Biology
Patino-Galindo JA, Gonzalez-Candelas F. Comparative analysis of variation and selection in the HCV genome. Infect Genet Evol. 2017;49:104-110. doi:1010.1016/j.meegid.2017.010.
Patino-Galindo JA, Torres-Puente M, Bracho MA, et.al. Identification of a large fast-expanding HIV-1 subtype B transmission cluster among MSM in Valencia, Spain. Meng Z, ed.PLoS One. 2017;12(2):e0171062
Patino-Galindo JA, Thomson MM, Perez-Alvarez L, et al.Transmission dynamics of HIV-1 subtype B in the Basque Country, Spain. Infect Genet Evol.2016;40:91-97
Patino-Galindo JA, Salvatierra K, Gonzalez-Candelas F, Lopez-Labrador FX. Comprehensive Screening for Naturally Occuring Hepatitis C Virus Resistance to Direct-Acting Antivirals in teh NS3,NS5A, and NS5B Genes in Worldwide Isolates of Viral Genotypes 1 to 6. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(4):2402-2416.
Patino-Galindo JA, Torres-Puente M, Gimeno C, et al. Expansion of the CRF19_cpx Variant in Spain. Clin Virol. 2015;69:146-149