Kevin Emmett

Kevin Emmett completed his PhD in the Department of Physics, working under the supervision of Department of Systems Biology faculty members Raul Rabadan and Chris Wiggins. His research interests were applications of topological data analysis to genomic data and the statistical topology of models in population genetics. Areas of focus include population structure and human demographic models, lateral gene transfer in bacteria and viruses, and statistical models of chromatin spatial organization. Additional work has involved machine learning methods for predicting host adaptation in infectious diseases, statistical models for analyzing next generation sequencing data, and signaling network inference in cancer.
PhD, Columbia University, Physics
MA, Columbia University, Physics
MS, Vanderbilt University, Physics
BA, Vanderbilt University, Physics
Emmett KJ, Rosenstein JK, Meent JW, Shepard KL, Wiggins CH. Statistical inference for nanopore sequencing with a biased random walk model. Biophys J. 2015 Apr 21;108(8):1852-5.
Emmett KJ, Lee A, Khiabanian H, Rabadan R. High-resolution genomic surveillance of 2014 Ebolavirus using shared subclonal variants. PLoS Curr. 2015 Feb 9;7. pii: ecurrents.outbreaks.c7fd7946ba606c982668a96bcba43c90.
Emmett KJ, Rabadan R. Characterizing scales of genetic recombination and antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria using topological data analysis. AMT 2014 Special Session on Advanced Methods of Interactive Data Mining for Personalized Medicine.
Emmett K, Rosenbloom D, Camara P, Rabadan R. Parametric inference using persistence diagrams: a case study in population genetics. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning, Beijing, China, 2014.
Bellin DL, Sakhtah H, Rosenstein JK, Levine PM, Thimot J, Emmett K, Dietrich LE, Shepard KL. Integrated cirtuit-based electrochcmical sensor for spatially resolved detection of redox-active metabolites in biofilms. Nat Commun. 2014;5:3256.
Ciesielski P, Hijazi FM, Scott AM, Faulkner CJ, Beard L, Emmett K, Rosenthal SJ, Cliffel D, Jennings GK. Photosystem I – based biohybrid photoelectrochemical cells. Bioresource Technology 101, 2010.
Smith N, Emmett K, Rosenthal S. Photovoltaic cells fabricated by electrophoretic deposition of CdSe nanocrystals. Applied Physics Letters 93, 2008.
Emmett K. Progress towards a quantum dot solar photovoltaic: nanocrystal deposition on structured titanium dioxide nanotubes. Vanderbilt University Physics Honors Thesis, 2008.
Smith N, Emmett K, Rosenthal S. Electrophoretic deposition of CdSe nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications. Materials Research Society Symposium. 1031E, 25. 2007.