Vinay Swamy
Vinay is a PhD student in the Biomedical Informatics department. His research focuses on applying machine learning to model interactions between biological molecules.
Biomedical Informatics PhD, 2021- current
Biomedical Informatics MA, 2023
Biochemistry BS, UCLA 2018
Swamy VS, Fufa TD, Hufnagel RB, McGaughey DM. Building the mega single-cell transcriptome ocular meta-atlas. Gigascience. 2021 Oct 13;10(10):giab061.
Swamy V, McGaughey D. Eye in a Disk: eyeIntegration Human Pan-Eye and Body Transcriptome Database Version 1.0. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Jul 1;60(8):3236-3246.