Xiaojian Wang


Senior Staff Associate I/ Lab manager

Before coming to work at Columbia, Xiaojian earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Beijing Medical University and the Ohio State University, respectively. At CUIMC, she worked as supporting staff and lab manager in several labs. She joined the Zhang lab in 2016 and has been providing support on both molecular biology experiments and mouse work, as well as daily lab operations.

Education History

MS, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental biology, the Ohio State University
BM, Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing Medical University, Beijing, China


Recinos Y, Bao S, Wang X, Phillips BL, Yeh YT, Weyn-Vanhentenryck SM, Swanson MS, Zhang C. Lineage-specific splicing regulation of MAPT gene in the primate brain. Cell Genom. 2024 May 13:100563

Recinos Y, Ustianenko D, Yeh YT, Wang X, Jacko M, Yesantharao LV, Wu Q, Zhang C. CRISPR-dCas13d-based deep screening of proximal and distal splicing-regulatory elements. Nat Commun. 2024 May 7;15(1):3839.