Scientific Collaborations with MAGNet
- Editor's note: The MAGNet center formally closed in July 2016, following the mandatory conclusion of its grant after more than 10 years of activity. The pages in this section constitute an archive of its work.
1. For prospective applicants to the NIH Roadmap Related PAR-12-001 Collaborations with National Centers for Biomedical Computing (R01) (
MAGNet welcomes the opportunity to support high quality biomedical research through this R01 program. To facilitate evaluation of your proposal by our Executive Committee (MAGNet faculty plus our NIH Program Officer and Lead Science Officer), please prepare a 1-4 page draft that contains the following:
- What scientific question(s) are you addressing;
- Statement of relevance (e.g., how you see your work and ours would be complementary)
- Anticipated specific aims
- Individuals or cores at MAGNet that you anticipate working with or other expression of specific collaborative opportunity
- Specific resources you would imagine requiring from us
- Intellectual or tangible resources you would bring to the collaboration and, therefore, ultimately to the benefit of the national community
Submit to Aris Floratos, PhD, Executive Director, MAGNet at To allow for timely evaluation, a draft proposal must be submitted at least 2 months prior to the target submission date.
Applicants are also encouraged to discuss their ideas with our Center's Program Officer (Dan Gallahan, and Lead Science Officer (Salvatore Sechi, as well as with the scientific contacts of the NIH institute most likely to fund the proposed research (a list of such contacts is provided in the RFAs).
2. For other collaboration interests, please contact Dr. Andrea Califano, MAGNet Principal Investigator at or the faculty member (see Faculty) whom you are interested in working with.